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My friend's name is Vera. She is very busy because she works a lot. She came home at 19 o'clock in the evening. When Vera came home she has a supper with her husbant and little daughter Anna. After that she washes dishes and cook something sweet ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
National symbols ( Курсовая работа, 36 стр. )
Neologisms' Problems ( Контрольная работа, 23 стр. )
NEW SATANIC AGE ( Дипломная работа, 74 стр. )
New York City н44 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
Non-available in Shredded and Slices 463 ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )
Parliament of United Kingdom ( Курсовая работа, 25 стр. )
Past Perfect + Participle II 8898 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
PEOPLE, PLACES, CUSTOMS AND CULTURE к67г44 ( Контрольная работа, 10 стр. )
People, places, customs and culture ( Контрольная работа, 25 стр. )
PERFORMING AN AUDIT г855 ( Контрольная работа, 10 стр. )
Present Indefinite 86966 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
Prestressed concrete is not a new material. It successful use has been developed rapidly during the last two decades, chiefly because steel of more suitable character has been produced. е35242 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
Protecting the environment is one of the most urgent challenges of our time ( Контрольная работа, 16 стр. )
Pupils take their “O” level exam when they are about fifteen ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )
Read the text. Translate and answer the questions after the text in written form ( Контрольная работа, 20 стр. )
Science and engineering have made great progress during the last thirty years. ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
Scientists and engineers have worked out many special devices 676 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
SHOCK ADVERTISING ( Контрольная работа, 8 стр. )
Smarter Inventory Control Of Spare Parts. УЛУЧШЕНЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ АССОРТИМЕНТА ЗАПАСНЫХ ЧАСТей ( Реферат, 16 стр. )
Some facts about Great Britain ( Контрольная работа, 27 стр. )
Stock Market is the mean... ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
Summary of the 3d part of the novel “The Painted Veil” ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Summary of the 4th part of the novel “The Painted Veil” ( Контрольная работа, 1 стр. )
Summary of the text “I can see you” ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )

College life in England

The University of Oxford is a collection of colleges. Some of these colleges were founded hundreds of years ago. The University is only an administrative center which arrange lectures for all the students of the colleges, holds examinations and gives degrees.

Every college has students of all kinds; it has its medical students, its engineers, its art students, etc.

The Tutorial system is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all other English universities. Every student has a tutor who plans his work. Each week some students come to see him and he discusses with them the work which they have done. This system has some advantages, but has often operated against progressive thinking in British universities because many tutors are reactionary and they try to have a great social and political influence on their students.

Other English universities called "modern" or "provincial" are located in large centers of industry. There are no tutorial systems there. These universities rely on lectures.

Very few children of the working people can be found among the students of all the British universities because the cost of studies is too high. According to official reports only 3 per cent of the whole number of students at the universities are sons and daughters of the working people.

The academic year in England is divided into three terms. Terminal examinations are held at the end of the autumn, spring and the summer terms. Final examinations are taken at the end of the course of studies. If a student fails in an examination he may be allowed to take the exam again. Only two re-examinations are usually allowed. For a break of discipline a student can be fined a sum of money, for a serious offence he may be expelled from the university.

British universities usually keep to the customs of the past. At Oxford University all the students wear long black gowns and students' caps. Undergraduates try to get old gowns so that people would think that they have been at Oxford for years. Without his or her gown no student is allowed to call on a tutor, to have dinner in the college dining-room or attend a lecture - where the gowns are rolled up and used as cushions.

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