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"Момент, когда мы предаемся нашим слабостям, земля меняется" (Емерсон). "Не говори о растраченных чувствах. Чувства никогда не были растрачены" (Лонгфеллоу). ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Ann, go to a blackboard, please. Read a text five, please 242 ( Контрольная работа, 7 стр. )
. Australia occupies the eighth place for volume of industrial production 45675874 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
. Ecological problems of the lake Baikal and the Aral Sea region 532авв ( Контрольная работа, 25 стр. )
. Economists study our everyday life. The economists' studies should be strictly objective and scientific. 44 ( Контрольная работа, 13 стр. )
. Give Russian equivalents for the following 55 ( Контрольная работа, 26 стр. )
. Scientists and engineers have worked out many special devices 7855 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
. The reactor is fast becoming a major source of heat and electricity кц4422 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
. We know plastics to be applied to almost every branch of building 7855 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
. Омонимия существительных в английском языке 69855 ( Контрольная работа, 29 стр. )
. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения на русский язык. Вставьте нужный артикль: a) a; b) an; c) the; d) - . 5 ( Контрольная работа, 12 стр. )
. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видо - временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 68087 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Практическое исследование употребления ономатопеи в английской литературе 65 ( Контрольная работа, 14 стр. )
. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык 5322422 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Прочитать и перевести диалог "Business talk". 7806 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
. Прочтите и письменно переведите текст, выполните задания к нему. 353вв ( Контрольная работа, 29 стр. )
. Фразеология английского языка. Особенности перевода фразеологизмов. к24311 ( Контрольная работа, 25 стр. )
1. In the 1898 French educator and thinker … … proposed that the Olympic Games of ancient Greece be revived to promote a more peaceful world. - В 1898 году французский ученый и мыслитель предложил возродить Олимпийские игры Древней Греции, чтобы содейство ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
1. Now a new building of a student hostel is being built not far from the academic building of the university. 33 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
1. The company was reported to have made a great losses last years 2. The problem to be discussed in details is very important 564 ( Контрольная работа, 9 стр. )
1. These are big companies. 2. Those men are managers. 3. These women are our secretaries. 4. His files are not on my shelves. 5. Where are the children now? нг452342 ( Контрольная работа, 11 стр. )
1. These are big companies. 2. Those men are managers. 3. These women are our secretaries. 4. His files are not on my shelves. 5. Where are the children now? к2341 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
1. We know steel, stone, concrete, wood and brick to the most commonly used building materials. к24411 ( Контрольная работа, 7 стр. )


Задание 1 3

Задание 2 4

Задание 3 4

Задание 4 4

Задание 5 5

Задание 1

Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. India received independence in 1947.

2. Indian people have made considerable progress in economic and cultural develop-ment.

3. Farmers are growing rice.

4. The agreement was signed by both countries.

5. India ranks high as a world producer of food crops.

6. These data were being carefully examined by the scientists.

7. The country is surrounded by high mountains.

8. The answer has been already received.

Задание 2

Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в них Participle 1 и Participle2 и устано-вите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, об-стоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Dominated by the British for 200 years India got freedom in 1947.

2. The coast facing the Indian Ocean is under tropical forests.

3. Many people are engaged in cattle breeding in this country.

4. He used improved methods in his work.

Задание 3

Перепишите предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The situation should be improved.

2. The farmers have to change their farming methods.

3. One can see great progress in the development of the country.

4. He is to examine the experiment very carefully in order to get good results.

5. The dead-rates declined and the total population was to increase.

6. He must have been to India.

7. Rice may be grown in the Ganges valley.

8. They have to improve some raw material.

Задание 4

Прочтите весь текст, устно переведите его. Перепишите и письменно переведи-те 2,3,4,5-й абзацы.

2. A land of ancient culture, India has a population of more than 550 million consist-ing of different races and tribes. It is the second largest population (after China) in the world. While birth-rates remaining stationary, the death-rates declined resulting in a huge increase in total population.

3. Politically dominated by the British for almost two centuries, India received inde-pendence in 1947. Since their independence Indian people have made considerable headway in economic and cultural development.

4. India is rich in coal, gold, iron-ore and oil. India's leading industries are engeneer-ing, metallurgy, mascine building.

5. The majority of the population are in agriculture. Farmers are growing rice in the Ganges valley. India is a leading producer of tea and jute. Although India ranks high as a world producer of food crops, the output is not sufficient for the enormous popu-lation. The situation is to be improved by a number of measures in the farming meth-ods.

Задание 5

Прочтите 6-й абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведённых вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос.

What are the majority of the population of India engaged in?

1. The majority of the population is engaged in machine building.

2. The majority of the population is engaged in agriculture.

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