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Introduction 3

1. Moscow as the main city of Russia: general characteristics 4

2. Major reasons for prosperity of Moscow 5

2.1 Economic reasons 5

2.2 Social reasons 8

2.3 Political reasons 10

Conclusion 12

References 13

The capital city of Russia, Moscow is a principal Political, Economic, Financial, Exhibition, Educational and Transportation center of the country. Moscow is a major economic center considering the fact that it houses a large number of billionaires and is perennially considered one of the most expensive cities in the world.

The present work is devoted to main social, economic and political reasons for prosperity of Moscow. The principal aim of this work is to describe and analyze the reasons for Moscow's prosperity. In order to achieve this aim the following problems were brought up:

- to give a general overview of Moscow city;

- to describe economic, political and social conditions for the prosperity of Moscow;

- to analyze and compare the previous and present state of Moscow city.

1. Barbash, Natalia B. Spatial Relations Among Places with Complementary Functions Within the City of Moscow. Journal of Marketing Research, 2007, 14.

2. Bater, James H., Andrei A. Degtyarev, and Vladimir N. Amelin. Politics in Moscow: Local Issues, Areas and Governance. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 2003.

3. Colton, Timothy S. Moscow: Governing the Socialist Metropolis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.

4. Kolossov, Vladimir. Political Polarization at the National and the Intra-Urban Levels: The Role of Moscow in Russian Politics and Socio-Political Cleavages within the City, GeoJournal, 42, August, 2007.

5. Mollenkopf, John and Manuel Castells. Dual City: Urban Restructuring in New York. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2001.

6. Rowland, Richard. Selected Urban Population Characteristics of Moscow. New York: Peter Lang, 2006.

7. Taylor, Peter J. World Cities and Territorial States under Conditions of Contemporary Globalization. Political Geography, 19, 1: 5-32, January 2002.

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