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Части речи, типы вопросов ( Реферат, 15 стр. )
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The rules for defining the phonemes and their variants

The kinds of relations between phonemes/sounds (distribution).

According to plurality/singleness of relations

According to the number of common features

According to the volume of the meaningful power

The rules for defining the phonemes and their variants

Rule 1

If two sounds are in the same position and can freely replace each other without changing the meaning of the word, they are called optional variants of phonemes:

Галя - ?аля, кофе - кофэ

Rule 2.

If two sounds are in the same position and can't freely replace each other without changing the meaning of the word these two sounds are called realization of two different phonemes:

бык-бок, пан-пар, корка-горка.

Rule 3.

If two sounds which have something in common in articulation never stand in the same position, they are called combinative variants of one phoneme:

я (is always after weak consonants) and а (is always after strong consonants) - are combinative variants of a phoneme /А/,

ё and о - are combinative variants of a phoneme /О/.

The kinds of relations between phonemes/sounds (distribution).

1. Contrasting distribution - phonemes are in the same position and they change the meaning of the words:

дом - том, дом - дам.

2. Extra distribution - phonemes are never in the same position:

/и/ - is used only after weak consonants,

/ы/ - is used only after strong consonants, never at the beginning of the word.

3. Free variation - sounds can be met in the same position without differentiating the meaning.

Opposition theory

The relations between the members of the opposition:

1. Privative - the relations between the phonemes are represented as the presence or lack of some feature:

/д/ - marked as a voiced consonant;

/т/ - is not marked as a voiced consonant

2. Equipollent - each member is characterized by its own feature:

/б/: /д/: /г/ (labial: fore-lingual: back-lingual).

3. Gradual - one and the same feature is represented in different degree:

/и/: /э/: /у/ (row: fore-lingual, media-lingual: back-lingual);

/e/: /i/ (the degree of opening the mouth)

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