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Части речи, типы вопросов ( Реферат, 15 стр. )
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Швейцария управляла выдачей бывшего Ядерного Министра России Евгения Адамова Соединенным Штатам. Адвокаты Адамова объявили что они оспорят то постановление ец35242 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
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New technologies in railway transportation

The railway infrastructure must provide needs of the growing national economy. During the 9 months of 2007 the increase of gross national product has made 7,4 %, the increase of industrial production during the 10 months of 2007 has made 6,5 %. According to the forecasts of Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the annual economic growth up to 2020 will make 6,7-6,9 %. In order to maintain such growth it is necessary to introduce new technologies and make infrastructural transformations of the whole transport system of the country. For this purpose, first of all, it is necessary to overcome the number of system problems of the branch.

The wear of fixed capital of railway transportation makes 59 %, the wear of diesel locomotives and freight cars - 80 %. One more problem is the lowest level of transport maintenance of some regions of the country and the absence of transport availability in some perspective deposits. New points of economic growth should appear in these regions. The management of the branch is also anxious about a backlog of techniques and technologies in railway transport from the advanced samples abroad. The strategy of railway transport development is directed on the decision of these problems which rise on the way of national economy development. In order to realize the strategy the management of the branch has chosen the innovative way of development which is based on introduction of new technologies.

The strategy of railway transport development includes two stages: from 2008 till 2015 and from 2016 till 2030. The first stage provides radical modernization of industrial base of the branch, removal of carrying capacity restrictions. The reconstruction of the transport communication on lines Moscow - Saint-Petersburg and Centre-South because of Olympic Games in 2014 is planned, too. The complete replacement of the rolling stock with the expired service life will be made. At the second stage the fundamental rise of the national transport security is to be made at the expense of dynamical expansion of rail network.

The executing of problems of the second stage will allow creating the conditions for leadership of our country in dynamical figures and competitiveness of macro economy. The unique Russian geographical position will allow enclosing transport trading communications between the Europe, Asia and Northern America through the territory of Russia. High-speed highways Moscow-Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow-Smolensk-the western border

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