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Definition and Types of Monopoly ( Контрольная работа, 14 стр. )
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Bureaucracy is an everyday form of state power with which citizens are confronted everywhere.

I'd like to stress the importance of paying attention to bureaucratic power in the essay, since it appears often even in cases where this was not the explicit focus.

In summary, the power perspective on bureaucracy seems particularly useful for applied and engaged anthropologists since it draws our attention to the interfaces between resource-controlling organizations and varied populations with whom we work. However, to make progress in understanding bureaucratic power, we need to become observant of the internal life of organizations as well; indeed, we need to make connections between the inside and the outside. To do this, we need to assemble our knowledge about bureaucratic thought and practice and apply it toward inferential reasoning about subtle, often unstated power processes.

Careful attention to how bureaucracies shape political agency leads us to ask how these entities affect applied and engaged anthropological practice. Doing what is "practical," partly shaped by bureaucratic resources and regulations, is a key concept for exploring the political-ethical quandaries of engagement.

Flowever, before I discuss the power perspective, let me note that bureaucracies come in many sizes, forms, and functions, which is, of course, one reason for the toolkit approach here. Often, the bureaucracies are small in scale, connected to community constituencies, perhaps having roots in radical social movements. They seem a universe away from the stereotypically massive corporate or government bureaucracy. Also, we must insist on including private firms in the phenomenon of bureaucracy, not just following the ideological identification of bureaucracy with government. There is something specific to the instrumental form of organizations that justifies many small entities as well as large ones being considered "bureaucratic."

In a typical bureaucracy, the source of power is almost always position power. The secondary source of power is expert power and more probably find it in 'progressive' bureaucracies. We can usually find some instances of opportunity power. This degree of variation is because of the deep-rooted distrust of 'knowledge workers' and personal charisma. And, in a bureaucracy, the most common base of power is Persuasive power -- usually exercised by a senior bureaucrat over a subordinate. When the source of power is opportunity, the base of power usually takes the form of coercive power and, in some cases, persuasive power. Opportunity power, of course, can be exercised upward, downward or laterally.

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