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Definition and Types of Monopoly ( Контрольная работа, 14 стр. )
Do you often meet this engineer here? I don’t often meet this engineer ( Контрольная работа, 63 стр. )
Economists (признак множетсвенного числа имени существительного) study our everyday life. The economists' (показатель притяжательного падежа имени существительного) studies should be strictly objective and scientific. ( Контрольная работа, 13 стр. )
Economists study our everyday life. 677 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
Economists study our everyday life. The economists' studies should be strictly objective and scientific ( Контрольная работа, 10 стр. )
Essay " Power of bureaucracy" ( Эссе, 3 стр. )
Etymology ( Курсовая работа, 32 стр. )
Exercise 5. Translate into English. ( Контрольная работа, 21 стр. )
Experience environment in the developed world, the use of economic instruments to environmental regulations in the United States, Western European countries and others ( Контрольная работа, 16 стр. )
Experience is necessary for the successful operation of a travel 89555 ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
Fill in the missing remarks and act out the dialogs ( Контрольная работа, 6 стр. )
Financial policy is based (Present Simple) on strategic guidelines which set long-term ( Контрольная работа, 7 стр. )
Foreign languages are trained at every educational establishment. Present indefinite. Participle II. 897666 ( Контрольная работа, 3 стр. )
Great Britain is developing its electronic industry. (Present Continuos, active) ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
Great Britain is developing its electronic industry 6900 ( Контрольная работа, 8 стр. )
Great Britain is developing its electronic industry. 45343311 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )
Greater ambitions of small business е333 ( Контрольная работа, 16 стр. )
He studies many difficult subjects ( Контрольная работа, 5 стр. )
How can a contradiction between the technological progress and ecology be solved? к24213131 ( Контрольная работа, 28 стр. )
How can we compare customs system's features of the USA and Great Britain ( Контрольная работа, 12 стр. )
How can we compare customs system’s features of the USA and Great Britain ( Контрольная работа, 12 стр. )
How people use the mediated international communication ( Контрольная работа, 9 стр. )
I'd like to start by inviting Mr. Clooney to make some remarks and then I'll turn to Professor Wiesel. Mr. Clooney ( Контрольная работа, 2 стр. )
I. 1. About half of the water sources are polluted with industrial waste. 567654 ( Контрольная работа, 4 стр. )

Задание №1

№1, с. 85

1. Do you often meet this engineer here? I don’t often meet this engineer.

2. Do you go to the factory every day? You don’t go to the factory every day.

3. Do you read newspapers every morning? I don’t read newspapers every morning.

4. Do his sisters always give you books to read? His sisters don’t always give me books to read.

5. Do they often go there? They don’t often go there.

6. Do you usually read the newspapers at home? I don’t usually read the newspapers at home.

7. Do they often come here? They don’t often come here.

8. Do you write questions at home? We don’t write questions at home.

№5, с. 86

1. Open your exercise-books, please.

2. What do you read now?

3. What do his students usually read?

4. Where do you go?

5. Where do you go every day?

6. Please, sit at the table, take your exercise-books and copy out the text under number five. What are you doing? We are copying out the text under number five.

7. Do your friends read English books? Yes, they often do it.

8. Don’t close the book, please.

9. They don’t send me books and newspapers.

10. What kind of movie is it? It is a good movie.

11. I often meet this worker here.

12. Do you often meet these engineers? No, these engineers seldom come here.

№5, с. 87

1. Where do you work? 2. When do you usually have your English? 3. What language do they often speak in class? 4. What do you write on the blackboard? Where do you write a lot of sentences? 5. Where do you go after your English? When do you go to the office? 6. What books do you read at home? Where do you read English books? 7. What do you do during your lessons? When do you read, write and speak English? 8. What are you doing now? What are having? 9. What are you taking off the table? What are you doing?

№7, с. 88

Задание №2.

№1, с.104

1. These are very good exercises. Do them at home, please. 2. This engineer works with me. I know his well. 3. Write these words out in your exercise-book, please, and learn them. 4. Read this letter and translate it into English, please. 5. I know this girl. She works with us.

№2, с.104

1. Take this book and read it at home, please. 2. Is he going to speak to you about his new work? 3. These are very good exercise-books. Where do you get them? 4. My sister knows English well. I often do my homework with her. 5. Read these words and learn them well. 6. I don't know him. What's his name?

№4, с.105

1. He doesn’t translate very many letters into English. Does he translate very many letters into English?

2. The teacher doesn’t give us a lot of homework. Does the teacher give us a lot of homework?

3. Your friends don’t read a lot. Do your friends read a lot?

4. She doesn’t get a lot of telegrams every day. Does she get a lot of telegrams every day?

5. They don’t work too much. Do they work too much?

№5, с.105

1. My sister works a lot.

2. They read many English books.

3. Does your son work a lot? – No, he works very little now.

4. He gets a lot of letters every day.

5. We read a lot and write a little in class.

6. Does your son read a lot? – Yes, he does. He usually reads in the evenings.

7. Many students know two foreign languages.

8. Do not read too much in the evening.

9. We send letters to our foreign firms.

№5, с.106

1. What does he do at the office? Who discusses a lot of questions at the office?

2. How long do our English lessons last? What lasts usually two hours?

3. What time do these students get home? Who gets home at five in the afternoon?

4. Where does his sister work? Who works at a new factory?

5. Where are you going to stay after work? When are you going to stay at the factory? Who is going to stay at the factory after work today?

6. Who lives a long way from the office?

7. Who is discussing this question now? What are you doing now? What are you discussing?

№10, с.107-108


1. Are you going to be at h

Задание 3.

№3, с.146

1. Is there a blackboard in our classroom? There isn’t a blackboard in our classroom.

2. Are there any English books on the table? There aren’t any English books on the table.

3. Were there very many mistakes in your dictation? There weren’t very many mistakes in your dictation.

4. Is there a new grammar rule in Lesson Four? There isn’t a new grammar rule in Lesson Four.

5. Was there a telegram on the table? There wasn’t a telegram on the table.

6. Was there too little ink in my pen to write two letters? There wasn’t too little ink in my pen to write two letters.

№7, с.147


1. There are a lot of schools and five colleges in our city.

2. There were twenty pupils in our class last year, and now there are only fifteen there.

3. Are there many journals on the table? – No, there are only two ones.

4. There are two windows in this room.

5. What kind of books are there on the table? – There are English and Russian books there.

6. There are a lot of engineers at our factory.

7. There are no exercises-books on this table.

8. How many boys and girls are there in our class? – There are twelve boys and eight girls.

9. There was no school round our house five years ago, but there is a large new school here.


1. I have an interesting book on my table. There is an interesting book on the table.

2. He has a lot of mistakes in his dictation. There are no mistakes in this dictation.

3. There are a lot of interesting articles here. She has a lot of interesting articles here.

4. There aren’t many girls in this class. They have not many girls in their class.


1. There is a new school not a long way from our house. The new school isn’t a long way from our house.

2. There is a theatre in the centre of city. The theatre is in the centre of city.

3. The mistake is in the fifth sentence. There is a mistake in the fifth sentence.

4. The journal is on that chair. There are no journals on that chair.

5. There are few grammar rules in this lesson. The new grammar rules are in the tenth page.

6. There are new words in this text. The new words are on the blackboard.

№8, с.150

1. Who can translate this sentence?

2. Which of you can go to cinema tomorrow morning? – Nobody of us can.

3. May I come in?

4. May I take for a minute you text-book? – Certainly.

5. May I leave my child with you for an hour? – Certainly.

6. Could you help me? – Certainly.

7. Was he able to meet you? – No, he wasn’t able to meet us.

8. Will you able to com tomorrow evening?

№6, с.151

This is a picture of my study. Look at it. There's a large window in my study. The ceiling's white, the floor's brown, the walls are yellow. There's a writing-table near the window and the arm-chair near it. You can see a telephone and a lamp on the writing-table. I often speak on telephone. There's a bookcase to the right of the writing-table. There aren't many English books in the bookcase; but there are a lot of Russi

Задание №4.

№6, с.172

1. I could not go to the theatre with them last night, I had to revise the grammar rules and the words for the test. Я не смогу пойти с ними прошлым вечером в театр, мне нужно было повторить грамматику и слова для теста.

2. My friend lives a long way from his office and has to get up early. Мой друг живет далеко от дома и ему приходится рано вставать.

3. All of us must be in time for classes. Мы должны приходить вовремя на занятия.

4. When my friend has his English, he has to stay at the office after work. He needn’t stay at the office on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and can get home early. Когда у моего друга занятие, ему приходится оставаться после работы в офисе. Ему не нужно оставаться в офисе по вторникам, четвергам и воскресеньям и он может прийти домой рано.

5. Do you have to work hard to do well in your English? Тебе приходиться много работать, чтобы добиться успехов в английском?

6. "Can we discuss this question now?" "No, we can’t. We will be able to do it tomorrow after¬noon." «Можем обсудить этот вопрос сейчас?» - «Нет. Мы сможем это сделать завтра после обеда».

7. I'm glad you could come. Я рада, что ты смог прийти.

8. "Will you be able to come and have dinner with us tomorrow?" "I'd love to." – «Ты сможешь приехать завтра пообедать с нами?» - «С удовольствием.»

9. "Please send them this article." "Oh, shall I do it now?" – «Пожалуйста, вышлите им эту статью.» - «Нужно сделать это сейчас? »

№7, с.172-173

1. I had to answer all these letters yesterday.

2. Shall we write this dictation today? – Yes, we begin a new lesson tomorrow.

3. Shall I invite else Anna for dinner? – Yes, please.

4. Do you have to stay at home because of bad weather?

5. You must com to see our son. - I'd love to.

6. Shall I walk with Kolja now? – No, you needn’t. You know he must go to bed at three o’clock.

7. I don’t like to go to bed late, but sometimes I have to.

8. I am glad that I didn’t have to finish this work yesterday.

9. You should visit your friend. He hasn’t come for class.

10. Why haven’t you come? - I couldn’t. I had to bring my children to the doctor.

11. You needn’t do to the library, we have a lot of books at home and you can take any of them.

12. He shouldn’t wake us so early.

№9, с. 173


1. Why don’t you know these words? – Unfortunately, I couldn’t revise them yesterday.

2. Weren’t you yesterday in the lecture on Literature?

3. Can’t you go with them to the country?

4. Haven’t you heard that Comrade Petrov has gone?

5. Doesn’t your daughter go to school? – No, she is too little.

6. Why can’t you answer my question? Shall I repeat it? – Yes, please, I haven’t caught it.


1. If you don’t know any words, I can help you to translate the sentence.

2. Do you know that Comrade Petrov speaks several foreign languages?

3. If you often go to the library, you should know Comrade Smirnov because he works there.

4. Don’t you know that there are a lot of mistakes in your dictation?

5. When my son does his homework in the evening, he makes a lot of mistakes.

6. Don’t take this book if you think that it is too difficult for you.

7. I am always glad when I get letters from my friends.

№11, с. 177

1. Hi, how are you? – Thank you, fine. Were you in the lecture on literature? – Unfortunately, no. I felt ill and had to stay at home.

2. What’s the matter with you? Are you ill? You should go to the doctor.

3. How do you usually get to your parents? – Sometimes I get by tram and sometimes I get by bys or underground. – How long does it take you to get there? – It takes me only 20 minutes to get by bus or underground.

4. Could you please give me your notes on literature? – Certainly, come to my place tomorrow evening. – Fine. Thank you!

5. Don’t forget to call me.

6. I can’t remember this grammar rule.

7. The lecture begins at 9 o’clock. We must hurry up.

8. You have a high temperature. You must stay at home and call your doctor.

9. Have you made your report? – No, I haven’t been in the institute. I was ill.

10. How long does it take to do your homework? – Usually it takes me one or two hours, if the homework isn’t very difficult.

11. Look at this tall man! Do you remember him? We studied together in the institute.

12. Why had you to ask your friend for his notes? – I’ve missed some lectures this week that’s why I have to use the n

Задание 5.

№6 с. 214

1. Let us open the window in the room.

2. Let Comrade Petrov tell his English friends about the Soviet Union.

3. Let me help you in translation of telegram.

4. Let them read and discuss this book.

5. Let the children else spend the next weekend in the country.

6. Let’s take a taxi, shall we?

7. Let him meet the delegation. He speaks English very well.

8. Let us go to the lecture on German literature tonight. My brother said that it would e very interesting.

9. Let me take my books.

№8 с. 214

1. If the weather doesn’t change we shan’t go to the country.

2. I wonder if I recognize him when I see him.

3. If I am not busy Friday evening let us go to the exhibition, shall we?

4. I wonder whether he is free now.

5. We shan’t stay at the city for a weekend, if the weather is fine.

6. I can’t say if he comes in time or not.

7. If he returns by 10 o’clock let him call me.

8. If I have no time to talk to him tonight I must do it tomorrow morning.

№6 с. 217

1. I wonder why some children don’t like milk.

2. Would you like some milk?

3. I am not hungry, I won’t take soup today.

4. Shall I pass you the sugar? – Please, two lumps of sugar.

5. Would you like some ice-cream?

6. Ice-cream, please.

7. The coffee is too weak.

8. Please, take the cake.

9. Could you give me some water? I an very thirsty.

№8 с. 217


1. Let me tell you some words about this exhibition.

2. We have too little time to discuss these questions today.

3. He knows English a little, but I am afraid he won’t be able to prepare his report in English.

4. Wait a little. I am back in some minutes.

5. I think we receive a telegram in some hours.


1. You know English quite enough to translate this article.

2. I am afraid I haven’t got enough time today and I won’t be able to join you.

3. I think this book is interesting enough.

4. There isn’t sufficient sugar in the tea.

5. There isn’t sufficient salt in the salad.

№13 с. 219

1. I came to the bus-stop at a quarter to seven, but there isn’t a bus, and I decided to go home on foot.

Задание 6.

№5 с. 295

1. When somebody is late we won’t wait, everybody must be in time.

2. I don’t see anything here.

3. Everybody will fall asleep as soon as they get to their bed.

4. Tell us something interesting, all right?

5. Let us go to the shop. I need to buy something for supper.

6. Somebody is waiting for you in your room.

7. Ask him, please, to talk louder. I don’t hear anything, either.

8. Is there anything funny in my story?

9. If you don’t start working at your mistakes now nobody will able to help you then.

10. Has anybody invited you to this party?

11. It is too lat to do something.

12. This man is never afraid of anything.

13. He is now somewhere on the seaside.

14. Do any of you else want to take part in discussion?

15. Why is nobody of you listening?

16. Nobody forgets that day.

17. Haven’ you known that he is coming today?

18. I’ve found somebody’s pen.

19. Were all of them speaking in the meeting? – No, there wasn’t enough time for everybody.

20. Everything has been done to save this man.

№7 с. 297

1. The old Smith has paid all his debts except one of them to Mr. Green.

2. What other museums except British one have you visited when you were in London?

3. Except this description of Africa I advise to read you the book by famous traveler Stanly.

4. I’ve watched all the plays in this theatre except the last one.

5. It seems to me that all h has written enjoys popularity except his first book.

6. Your work is almost ready, isn’t it?

7. I hardly did this mistake again.

8. He was almost 90.

9. She was about 50.

10. It was almost 12 when we went.

11. They were here at about five o’clock p.m.

№11 с. 299

1. Tell your friend please that we were very pleased with his report yesterday.

2. “Describe this picture, please,” – the teacher told the student.

3. I’ll be talking about that with our engineers. I’ll tell them about your work.

4. What are they talking about? – They are discussing the new play by Arbuzov.

5. The teachers say that this boy is very clever.

6. Excuse me, what were you saying?

7. Don’t speak so fast.

8. Speak louder, please, it is very noisy here and I don’t hear you.

9. Tell him something about your native town.

10. Tell him, please, that he is wrong.

11. We will be discussing the play in class.

12. Do any of your friends speak Japanese?

13. Have they told you anything about your report?

14. Don’t tell him that we are leaving soon.

15. Don’t talk to each other. Listen to your friends when they are speaking English.

16. All the people except you say that the play is wonderful.

17. Who have you told that to?

18. He is said to have written his first play at the age of 15.

19. Who were you talking so loudly on the telephone when we came in?

№13 с. 300

1. “Now any of you will tell us about Gorky’s childhood” – the teacher said.

2. There were a lot of children in the garden. They were playing some loud game and laughing.

3. If it is noisy here you can work in my room, there will be nobody there. In several minutes I am going to the institute.

4. At an early age I lived in a village. Then we moved to a town in the Caucasus where I had been living more than ten years.

5. My friend’s father is about 70, but he still works and says that he is enjoying his work.

6. Is anybody else going to the museum?

7. When did you moved in Moscow? – About ten years ago.

8. If you watch a new play you’ll enjoy

Задание 8.

№12 с. 386


1. This house looks like palace. Isn’t it?

2. How does your friend look like?

3. It is likely to rain.

4. You look quite tired.

5. I’ll be looking after this work myself.

6. Only then I’ll say that the thing has been lost, when I have looked for it in every corner.


1. That’s just another point of view, isn’t it?

2. I agree with your point of view not completely. You are right only in one thing.

3. From my point of view you should call Anna right now and ask her to come here.

4. The point is that I’ll be very busy next week.

5. His strong point is that he reads a lot.

№13 с. 386

1. The sun was setting, it was getting dark and it was likely to rain.

2. I haven’t written my parents since I visited them in December. I won’t go anywhere till I have written them

3. This year our factory has produced more cars than last year,

4. He has told us a lot of interesting things about foreign countries. I think he has traveled a lot.

5. “What kind of books else have you borrowed from your friends? – The mother asked his son. – How long did they let you keep them?”

6. I would like you to learn this rule yourselves. It is very simple.

7. I’ve seen his expression changing when he heard this news.

8. I’ve seen John upset and decided not to ask him any questions. A little later he told me him himself that his younger son had borrowed a huge sum of money and didn’t want to tell the father why he had done it.

I heard that you c

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