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There are countries where people speak English as their mother tongue ( Контрольная работа, 32 стр. )
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Abstract 3

Introduction 4

Chapter I Connotative meaning . Connotation and types of connotations

1.1. Connotaion toward denotation. Connotative meaning 7

1.2. Stylistic connotation 14

1.3. Emotional connotation 14

1.4. Evaluative connotation 15

1.5. Intensifying connotation. 15

Chapter II. Combination of different connotations in Agatha Cristy's work "Five Little Pigs".

2.1. The lexical-stylistical caracteristic of Agatha Cristie's works and the style of "Five little pigs" 17

2.2. The variety of connotations in "Five little pigs" by Agatha Christie 19

Conclusion 26

Bibliography 32


This research explains how combines the emotional, expressive, evaluation and stylistic connotations in the "Five Little Pigs" by Agatha Christie and reconstruct a new vision about the role and the use of the connotations in literature and their linguistic role.

In the book "Five Little Pigs" Agatha Christie create a diversity of connotative meanings that are in some cases all present at once, or in different combinations or they are not found in the word at all. In conclusion were drawn the conclusions on the basis of analysis and synthesis of the concepts of connotation and the points of the issue of combination of four types of connotations in "Five Little Pigs" by Agatha Christie.

1. A.S.Hornby, The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English, London: Oxford University Press, 1952, p.134

2. Agatha Christie,Five Little Pigs, 1942

3. Barnard, Robert. A Talent to Deceive - an appreciation of Agatha Christie - Revised edition (Page 193). Fontana Books, 1990.

4. Geoffrey Leech, Meaning and the English Verb, 1971

5. I.A.Arnold, Distinctive linguistic features of the major functional styles of English, 1876

6. Longman English Dictionary of Contemporary English, 1978, p. 234

7. Potebnya, A. A. Thought and Language. Collected Works, Vol. 1. Ukranian State Press. , 1926

8. Stanislav Nokonenko "Пять Поросят", 1984

9. The Guardian January 20, 1943 (Page 3)

10. The Observer January 10, 1943 (Page 3)

11. The Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford, 2003, p. 100

12. The Times Literary Supplement January 16, 1943 (Page 29)

13. V. Shehtman. "Everywhere" and "Here". Journal of Appplied Non-Classical Logic, 9:369-380, 1999.

14. W. and R. Chambers, Chambers's English Dictionary, 1872, p. 45

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